Chakras - The Wheels of Life

You've probably heard the word "chakra" more than once. Maybe you've even heard it in a joke:
What's wrong? Are your chakras out of alignment?
Have you ever wondered where this comes from? And what exactly does "chakra" mean?
Let's find out.
Chakras are energy centers in our bodies, with each one connected to specific organs, nerve plexuses, and glands. If energy does not flow through an energy center for a prolonged period, it physically affects the body. It impacts one or more of the organs that the inactive chakra governs.
The interesting thing about chakras is that the more we learn about them, the more we learn about ourselves. This helps us discover the root cause of physical problems or diseases we have encountered in our lives. The cause often manifests on a mental and emotional level long before the disease develops and is diagnosed. Chakras cover many different layers of our lives, giving us the opportunity to trace which organs respond to what emotional and mental states.
The table lists the seven main chakras, as well as the organs and aspects of our lives they affect.
Chakra | Location | Associated Body Parts and Glands | Psychological Function | Impaired Functions |
First Chakra | Perineum | Bones, teeth, large intestine, legs, adrenal glands | SURVIVAL: having a home, job, financial stability | Obesity, frequent illness, hemorrhoids, constipation |
Second Chakra | Lower abdomen | Urinary-reproductive system | DESIRE: Sexuality, art and creativity, family creation, ability to indulge without guilt (rest or gift) | Impotence, frigidity, uterine and bladder problems |
Third Chakra | Solar plexus | Musculature, digestive system, pancreas, adrenal glands | WILL: Courage, decisiveness, starting new ventures, overcoming fears, willpower | Ulcer, diabetes, hypoglycemia |
Fourth Chakra | Heart | Lungs, heart, arms, thymus | LOVE: Feelings of love, compassion, transcending egocentrism | Asthma, high blood pressure |
Fifth Chakra | Throat | Throat, nose, ears, thyroid gland, hypothalamus | COMMUNICATION: The ability to communicate freely with others, to express oneself, to tell the truth | Thyroid problems, neck pains, flu conditions |
Sixth Chakra | Forehead | Eyes, pineal gland | INTUITION: The ability to see clearly the past, present, and future, to be intuitive, to dream | Blindness, headache, nightmares |
Seventh Chakra | Crown of the head | Central nervous system, pituitary gland | UNDERSTANDING: Spiritual growth, enlightenment, meditation, bliss | Depression, alienation, confusion |
The table is not exhaustive. The topic is immensely vast and hard to summarize in one table. However, there will be many publications on the same topic :)
The "Psychological Function" column shows under what condition the energy in the chakra flows smoothly. When there are discomforts like indecision, fears, lack of will, feelings of guilt, "living" in the past, then the energy in the chakra slows down and blocks.
For example, have you noticed how many people have a constant runny nose or throat discomfort? Coincidence or not, hindered communication is a common problem among children and adults. With the increase in time spent on phones, emerging online communication, and working from home, live communication without problems is hindered. Difficulties and anxiety in expressing oneself, participating in colleague conversations, or sharing personal feelings with a partner or friends occur. This way, the energy in the throat chakra is blocked. During prolonged periods of blockage, the lack of circulating energy impacts the physical level. Discomforts such as neck and tendon stiffness, hay fever, throat pain or secretions, thyroid gland problems, etc., in the area of the fifth chakra may appear.